Electric vehicles

Charge your Electric Vehicle with over 70 charge points located across campus.

The University already has a large number of spaces available for charging your electric vehicle, see Campus Map  The University Travel plan sets out clear targets to support the shift towards electric vehicles, and we will continue to incentivise this with the offer of upgraded charging facilities. All charging facilities are provided via the EVC app. Users must have an account to access the points.

We ask that once your charge has completed to please move your vehicle to allow others to utilise the charge points. Vehicles that blocks points for over an hour may be subject to additional charges.

Cost to use points:

From January 2024 users will be required to pay for charging their electric vehicles. The cost will be 32p/Kw Incl. VAT (This is the actual cost to LU to provide the electricity). It will be reviewed quarterly and any changes will be communicated.

Charging Speed:

  1. The Units are smart charging points and will distribute the power dependent on the power usage in the area of the charge points. They will charge at minimum of 7Kw but can go as high as 22Kw.

Steps to Access the points (there are clear instructions on each unit):

  1. Download the EVC plus app via  or 
  2. Set up an account
  3. Plug-In vehicle
  4. Scan the QR code or manually enter the unique ID number on the side of the charging Unit.
  5. Start Charging

Sustainability team