Problems with your Landlord

Most disputes between landlords and tenants can be resolved amicably. Unfortunately, disputes do occasionally escalate and it is important to know your rights if this occurs.


See Getting Repairs Done for information about what to do if your landlord fails to carry out repairs.


If your landlord, or anyone acting on their behalf, behaves in a way that interferes with your enjoyment of your property, this could be defined as harassment. Harassment could also include intimidation, causing distress, encouraging you to leave, or forgo your rights.

Examples of harassment:

  • pressurising you to sign an agreement that reduces your legal rights
  • not carrying out essential repair work with the intention of forcing you to move out
  • interfering with or cutting off services such as hot water, heating, gas and/or electricity
  • visiting your home regularly without warning, or good cause
  • using threatening behaviour or being physically violent.

If you think that you have experienced harassment from  your landlord you should contact  for further advice.  

Remember that harassment is a criminal offence and there will be other agencies such as the Police or the Council who can assist you with this issue.

Illegal Eviction

If your landlord wants you to leave their property, the correct legal procedure must be followed. If you do not leave voluntarily, the landlord cannot force you to leave without obtaining a court order. Please see the website for further information about possession proceedings and eviction.

Being forced to leave your home without following the correct legal process will constitute an illegal eviction.

Examples of illegal eviction include:

  • changing the locks while you are out; or
  • stopping you from getting into your home or part of it; or
  • the landlord uses force or intimidation to make your leave.

If you think you are in danger of eviction by your landlord, contact  for further advice. 

Illegal eviction is a criminal offence and there will be other agencies such as the Police or the Council who can assist you with this issue.

Last Updated: 28th September 2023