Information Sharing

To provide us with the opportunity to support you in your studies alongside any disability, health and wellbeing situations, we will need to listen to your particular details.

Choosing to share the nature of a disability, health and wellbeing situation with others can be a very personal decision to make. Student Wellbeing and Inclusivity will therefore only share any support requirements you require (on a need-to-know basis), and will not share the nature of your diagnosis or situation. There may however be very rare and exceptional circumstances where we may need to pass on your information, which include:

  • If we believed you may be a danger to yourself or others;
  • If you told us about a serious criminal offence, about using illegal drugs on University premises, involvement in terrorist activities, or gave us reason to believe that a child or vulnerable adult may be at risk;
  • If we were ordered by a court or other legal body of similar standing to release information.

You can find out more information about the University’s data privacy policies at the bottom of this page.

Sharing information with the wider University

If you wish to share the nature of your health and wellbeing situation outside SWAI then you are of course welcome to do so. Listed below are the contact details of a sample of University services should you find this helpful:

  • Hall Manager (you can )
  • Hall Warden (you can )
  • Academic school (via your Departmental Administrator and/or your Personal Tutor)
  • Exams office
  • Campus Security (/services/security/)
  • Student Accommodation Centre (
  • Library (contact Matt Cunningham, User Services Manager)

Further Information

Last updated: 3rd February 2023