PC Clinic for students

The PC Clinic supports University students with their personal devices.

The service is strictly appointment-only and allows students to choose a convenient time for IT support.

This service is not for University-managed devices. Students or staff that have managed device must contact the IT Service Desk.

PC Clinic booking system

Term time: Appointments can be scheduled from Monday to Friday between 12.30pm and 3:30pm.

Out of term-time: Email: IT.Services@lboro.ac.uk 

Where is the PC Clinic?

Once you have booked your appointment you will receive an email with information on your appointment location. As this varies depending on the time of year, please do not attend unless you have received your confirmation email.

What support does the PC Clinic provide?

The PC Clinic provides students with IT support, advice, and assistance in regards to supported University systems and software.

What we support

Before we start any work, we always advise you to back up your data.

  • Software installs from Learn
  • MS Office 365 installs
  • Connecting to the W-Fi
  • Connecting to the VPN
  • Duo set-up
  • Email set-up
  • OneDrive guidance (We do not do house keeping and file storage)

What is not covered by the PC Clinic?

What we don't support

We do not support out of date device that will not update to a supported version.

  • Hardware repairs
  • Hardware upgrades
  • Staff managed devices
  • Corporate devices
  • Operating system failures (BSOD - Blue Screen of Death)
  • Out of date devices and operating systems