Domain Registration and SSL Certificates


To submit a domain or SSL registration request please use the links below. If you have any questions please email the domains team at We will respond to all emails and requests within 5 business days.
For abuse reporting please email or to make a complaint please email We will respond to all complaints within 5 business days

Domain Registration

You may wish to have your own web address (known as a domain name) for your web pages. IT Services will handle the registration for you via an external company (whose job it is to ensure that no two web sites have the same name).

Domain Charges and - £155 and

  • £35 for 2 Year
  • £45 for 5 years
  • £60 for 10years


  • £50 for 2 Year
  • £80 for 5 years
  • £120 for 10years

Note: Additional charges - Email redirect to address: £30

To request a domain registration please click on the link at the bottom of this page.

If you are requesting a .uk domain please ensure you have read and adhere to Nominets terms and conditions

SSL Certificates

SSL Certificates can be obtained to provide the encrypted transfer of data to and from your website. These certificates will be obtained from a commercial provider. Your local IT support can submit the CSR (Certificate Signing Request) on your behalf to IT Services, alternatively you can use the link at the bottom of this page using the subject CSR.


SSL certificates are for 1 year and cost £130 for any non domains

There is no charge for certificate requests for domains.

To request an SSL certificate or Domain Registration form, please use the links below.

Domain registration request