Contractors - Frequently asked questions

Why are we changing Contractor Management systems?

Our Current system Visit ED is no longer viable due to the impacts of covid and the changes to the FM Reception & Helpdesk and how we now operate the online induction process rather than face to face where passes were issued at the induction Session.

Visit ED is a licenced based product, and we have a minimal number of licences, and it is cost prohibitive to supply licences to all users, as well as the hardware required.

Who will have access to the new contractor management system?

The system will be available to all staff that manage contractors onsite, and that carry out works on behalf of the University or in university buildings via the property team.

When will I have Access to the new System?

We have been working for a long time to design and test the new Contractor Management App, but we are now able to roll out the new system with the first drop-in session happening on the 7th of December with a second session Scheduled early in January 2022.

How will staff sign in and out?

The system Continues to use Scanners and contractors will scan there pass in and out as they do now with our current Visit ED System.

Where are the readers Located?

The initial Scanner at launch is located on the FM yard wall next to the key return box, additional scanners will follow in January with one at the following locations:

  • Security
  • Holywell Park
  • West Park

Making a total of four as previously. The current one on the FM Building will be removed due to issues with parking.

Can I still use Visit ED?

No, Visit ED will be decommissioned by the end of January 2022. Once you have been given access to the new system that is the system that you should be using.d due issues with parking.

Can I still use the Covid Temporary system?

No, this method is no longer valid.

What about current Valid passes on Visit ED?

These contractors will need new passes issued through the Contractor management App at there next visit to site.

Do Contractors need to complete the new online induction?

All current and new contractors will be required to complete and pass the online induction. Contractors onsite who have not completed the online induction will be immediately stopped from working until such time the induction is completed, and any pass will be revoked.

Do Contractors also need a site-specific induction/ Prestart Meeting?

Yes, the contractor online induction is only gateway on to the campus and is only a general overview of the site rules all works Must have a site-specific briefing given directly to the contractor and his staff by the LU Project Manager.

How do I add a contractor to the System?

Contractors are added to the system by successful completion of the online induction. They are then able to be found for a pass to be created.

How do I get and upload Photographs of Contractors?

The contractor will be asked to provide a photograph and then this is upload to the system through the create pass screen within the app.

Do I need a Special Printer?

No, passes can be printed off on the normal printers in the office.

How do I print Passes?

Passes are issued through the contractor management App directly. The pass can then be downloaded and sent to any printer. They will need to by cut to fit but is scaled to fit within the usual pass wallets.

Can Contractors just have the pass on their Mobile Phones?

No, a pass needs to be issued as it is a requirement that passes must always be on show to enable identification of the contractor and who they are working for by LU staff and Students.

Failure to have a valid pass on show mean your contractor may be asked to stop work until they have been issued with a valid pass.

What do I need to collect keys from the Key room?

A valid undamaged Contractor pass with all the detail clear and legible.

What Happens if my contractor says the readers are not working?

This needs to be reported directly through Archibus in all cases! Once reported by the Contractor to the Project Manager they can manually log staff on, and off site once works are completed.

Why do I have to upload Risk and Method Statements (RAM鈥檚)?

It is important that all RAMs are linked to the contractor. This enables a complete record of there work activities on site and it also shows that the project manager has accepted the RAM’s as correct and Complete.

How do I upload RAM鈥檚?

RAMs are uploaded through the system and linked to the job that is created.

How Long will passes last?

Passes should only be issued for the length of the contract the contractor is employed for. Project Managers are responsible for this, if long term passes are issued for non-term contractors this could result in the wrong project manager being responsible for the works.

What happens if contractors do not sign in or out?

The project Manager is responsible for ensuring that their contractors sign in and out, as with the current system if a contractor is found 3 times either not signed in or signed out their pass could be revoked.

What happens with large, closed sites?

As with the current system closed sites will operate their own sign in system, until the building becomes occupied by LU.

Will the System be monitored and audited?

Yes, the system will be closely monitored by the Health & Safety Team to ensure that all aspects of the system are being used correctly i.e., access and egress, RAM’s, and all other elements.

Where can I get help with the Contractor Management App?

Please contact with the exact nature of the issue.