SSEHS staff to take on Outlaw half Ironman triathlon

SSEHS staff members and members of their families are to take part in the Outlaw half Ironman triathlon on 19 May 2024 to raise money for the Association for Glycogen Storage Disease (UK) Ltd.

Split into three teams, those taking part in the event are:

Seasoned Tri-ers

  • Swim – Professor David Fletcher
  • Bike – Professor Hilary McDermott
  • Run – Professor Stacy Clemes

Great Tri

  • Swim – Dr Natalie Pearson
  • Bike – Dr Dale Esliger
  • Run – Ellie McDermott

Desperately Tri-ing

  • Swim – James Bruce
  • Bike – Dr Flo Finnafick
  • Run – Vanessa Bruce

The teams have chosen to raise money for the Association after Florence's son Hugo was diagnosed with Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD) type 3b - an 'ultra-rare' inherited metabolic disease of the liver, for which there is currently no cure.

The charity support those with GSD through diagnoses, providing up to date information from relevant medical professionals and running a yearly conference to bring together families, clinicians and academics.

To sponsor the team and find out more, please visit the team's .