Physical activity, Transitions, nutrition and appetitE regulation: An interdisciplinary perspective

  • 23 November 2020
  • 9.30am - 5.00pm

Workshop details

It has been well established that physical activity is crucial for optimal appetite regulation. Overeating and weight gain are more likely to occur when physical activity levels are low because of impaired appetite sensitivity to energy needs. The impact of changes, and specifically, reductions in physical activity (e.g., due to illness, injury, ageing or change in circumstances) on appetite regulation and nutrition is poorly understood. This workshop aims to bring together experts from different disciplines to identify and discuss the challenges to optimal nutrition and appetite regulation during periods of physical activity transition.

Workshop aims

  • To adopt an interdisciplinary approach to understanding nutrition and appetite regulation during periods of physical activity transition across the lifespan and to explore opportunities for future collaborative research.
  • To explore challenges to researching nutrition and appetite regulation across different types of physical activity transitions (e.g., patients, athletes, adolescents, new parents, recent retirees, COVID-19) and to generate novel and timely research questions to be addressed.
  • To stimulate UK research activity in evaluating the impact of physical activity transition periods on nutrition and appetite regulation with a view to supporting the prevention of unhealthy weight gain in the population.

Further details


Contact and booking details

Alison Stanley
Email address
Free to attend
Booking required?
Booking information
Interested participants are asked to fill in a brief registration form and return it to Alison Stanley by 13 November 2020 (