Clyde Willams Building

An investment of 拢750,000 into the facilities available in the Clyde Williams Building has provided teaching labs for anatomy, biomechanics and biochemistry, as well as a break out space for students.

The School of Sport, Exercise and Health Science offers access to the very best facilities, including bespoke training and testing equipment, the latest physiological, molecular and environmental technologies, and a range of dedicated laboratories. These facilities support students in developing the professional skills needed in careers across sport, exercise and health science.

Anatomy laboratories

Facilities include anatomical musculo-skeletal models, and state-of-the-art BIOPAC data acquisition and analysis equipment that permits assessment of lung function, reaction time, blood pressure and electrophysiology of the heart.

Biochemistry laboratory

This laboratory includes screens throughout, allowing live demonstrations to be streamed directly to each workstation, a number of biosafety cabinets and fume cupboards, fridges, freezers and incubators, plus instruments for the analysis of biological specimens. Using these facilities, students can further their understanding of the fundamental aspects of biochemistry and cell biology that underpin the wider study of human biology.

Body composition equipment

We have a range of body composition equipment including: hydrostatic weighing facilities (under water weighing), Bodpod, and a variety of Bioelectrical impedance equipment.

Environmental chambers

Our environmental cambers allow members of the School to simulate an environment of between -20 to +50 degrees.

Exercise physiology laboratories

These state-of-the-art facilities, include cycling and rowing ergometers, gas analysers, polar heart rate monitors, capillary blood sampling equipment, blood pressure monitors, spirometers, grip strength dynamometers and sprint gates. These labs enable students to develop an understanding of the concepts of power and work, ergometry, indirect calorimetry, and physiological responses and adaptations (cardiorespiratory, metabolic, etc.) to exercise.

Sports Biomechanics laboratories

Offering the latest biomechanics facilities, including: a 3D motion capture system, high definition and high-speed video cameras, four ground embedded force plates, PCs and laptops, three wireless EMG systems, and an array of smart sports equipment. Here you will measure ground reaction forces, quantify human movement from video, calculate where the centre of mass of the body is, and how muscles activate during movement, as well as looking at balance, coordination and skill acquisition.