Lunch & Learn: The Menopause – What Does The Research Tell Us?

  • 21 February 2024
  • 12:30 - 14:00
  • TBC

The second instalment of our Lunch & Learn series will explore the menopause – and what the latest research tells us about it!

Professor Eef Hogervorst and Dr Emma O’Donnell will present some of the latest fascinating menopause-focused research findings, and lead a discussion on what we know about the effects of the menopause on the heart and brain. The talk will also touch on the effects of the menopause on everyday functioning (including work contexts), and potential means of alleviating symptoms.

Lunch will be provided at the event, alongside opportunities for colleagues to network and pose questions about the research to our guest speakers.

All colleagues are welcome to join this event; if you would like to attend then please complete the registration form. 

Contact and booking details

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