Research Centres

There is a high level of activity between research groups at 台湾六合彩开奖记录 on themes related to Safe and Smart Mobility.

Future mobility technologies aided by vehicle automation are a core element of the Industrial Strategy and have become a government priority for innovation, research and investment.

台湾六合彩开奖记录 has the objective to become a world leader in smart mobility building on gathered expertise from a great number of disciplines across campus. Areas of expertise from our various research centres allow us to approach the complexity of intelligent mobility from many different perspectives.

Transport Technologies Beacon 

This is one of the five Beacons at 台湾六合彩开奖记录 with major research strengths. Research includes work in the Safe and smart Mobility with groups working closely with Original Equipment Manufacturers, suppliers and smaller companies. Partners include, Airbus, Rolls-Royce, Ford Motor Company, BAE Systems, Jaguar Land Rover, Caterpillar, RSSB, London Underground, Network rail and many others. These strong industrial links bring major benefits to our research, keeping us aware of industry developments and needs and ensuring that our work has benefits for our partners and society

Academic Lead: Professor Martin Passmore

Transport Safety Research Centre

Now recognised as a University Centre of Excellence, a key focus of the centre's research involves understanding real-world aspects of the transport-users and how this impacts on transport safety and intelligent mobility. The Transport Safety Research Centre has four main areas of research

  • Real-world safety of connected and automated vehicles
  • Behaviour of road users and interaction with transport technologies
  • Societal impacts of future mobility systems
  • Road safety and impact of interventions 

Research Centre Lead: Andrew Morris 

Design School

  User Centred Design Research Group

‌The User Centred Design Research Group conducts world leading research into products, services, equipment and environments to ensure they meet the needs of the end users. The Group draws upon 40 years of expertise in the application of user centred design in the home, at leisure, in the workplace and on the move.


Research Group Lead: Dr Tracy Ross

Design School 

 Transport Studies Group

Research in this group aims is to make fundamental discoveries to enrich UK’s world research standing, advance our understanding and knowledge in developing enhanced transport policy of benefit to society. ‌


Research Group Lead: Professor Mohammed Quddus

School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering 

 Intelligent Mobility and Autonomous Systems (IMAS)

Research in this area is of significant interdisciplinary nature cross engineering, computer science, transport, agriculture and environment. Broadly speaking, current research falls into three core directions: Development of Autonomous Systems Technologies, Ensuring the Safety of Autonomous Systems Technologies and Application of Autonomous Systems Technologies.


Research Group Lead: Professor Kambiz Ebrahimi 

Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering 


‌LUCAS aims to further the capabilities of unmanned aircraft. Research areas of note include multi-vehicle aerial manoeuvres, high definition aerial photography, surveying for civil and mapping applications, integration of UAVs into civilian airspace and long endurance unmanned operations. 


Academic Lead: Professor Wen-Hua Chen 

Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering 

 Advance Virtual Reality Research Centre (AVRRC)

AVRRC undertakes research to underpin the science and engineering that will transform future digitalisation and adoption of Industry 4.0 concepts through advanced modelling, simulation and interactive visualization techniques of complex systems.  Modelling, simulation and visualization involves abstract mathematical representations of a system's behaviour through models. Interactive visualization (including augmented and virtual reality) provides the means to interact, probe and investigate the system being modelled. AVRRC research spans from the field of multi-criteria visual analytics to high fidelity representations of the real world and develops new approaches that  improve the effectiveness of human interaction with complex systems, such as autonomous vehicles. ‌


Research Centre Lead: Professor Roy S. Kalawsky

School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering 

 5G Research Centre (5GRC)

The 5G Research Centre grew out of the Centre for Mobile Communications Reserach that was established in 1998. Its labs and facilities are an important part of the Wolfson School of Engineering (Electronics). The school has been shown to be both internationally and nationally leading in areas related to communications engineering. We have one of the best equipped set of test and measurement facilities for mobile communications in the UK. The centre counts with a team of enthusiastic research academics supported by researchers fellows, assistants, PhDs, Masters and undergraduate students.  ‌ 

Research Centre Lead: Dr Rob Edwards

School of School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering 

 Vision, AI, Autonomous and Human Centred Systems (VAAH)

‌This research theme focuses on both theoretical and application aspects in artificial intelligence, computer vision, robotics and autonomous systems, machine learning, bio-inspired AI, pattern recognition, embedded intelligence, image processing, as well as HCI and human-factors. 


Research Theme Leader: Professor Qinggang Meng 

Computer Science 

 Networks and System Research Theme (NetSys)

The Networks and Systems research theme in the Department of Computer Science exists to research all aspects of networking and communicating systems, from the underlying mathematical theory to practical creation and operation of networked systems, with specific focus on issues related to Internet and control, data centre networks, edge/fog networks, network resilience, network performance modelling and measurement, performance evaluation with Quality of Service (QoS) constraints and application performance investigation.


Research Theme Leader: Dr Posco Tso

Computer Science 

 Centre for Service Management

The Centre for Service Management (CSM) is a global research centre that focuses research on leading innovation, driving quality and transforming services, including electric cars and sustainable transport mode decisions. One salient area of research is about encouraging consumers to switch from petrol fuel to electric cars as this is an important element of the environmental policy agenda.


Research Centre Lead: Professor Thorsten Gruber 

School of Business and Economics

Professor of Road and Vehicle Safety


Professor Pete Thomas

Road and Vehicle Safety


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