eu-spen鈥檚 22nd Annual Conference and Exhibition.

Our Doctoral Researcher Connor Gill spent last week attending eu-spen鈥檚 22nd Annual Conference and Exhibition.

The conference bought together industrialists and academics to discuss all things Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology. 

Here is what Connor had to say about it:

“It was extremely interesting to see the range of different solutions that people have produced. This conference has really shown me the value of the work that we do and helped me ‘connect the dots’ from theory to practice. I’ll definitely be applying what I’ve seen to my future research work, and especially to my part of our own conference, Digital Concrete, coming up in a few weeks!”

Connor recieved sponsorship to attend the conference from the MTC - Manufacturing Technology Centre and MCDDM - Midlands Centre for Data Driven Metrology. 

Connor’s PhD is related to the metrology of 3D Concrete Printing. If you’d like to learn more about his work, you can contact him at, or attend the Digital Concrete conference on June 26-29.

More information can be found .