Public lecture

Engaging the Entire Humanitarian Clean Cooking System: Unlocking Institutional Scale

  • 20 March 2024
  • 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm

IAS Residential Fellow Dr Ben Robinson delivers a seminar on their research - 

The vast majority of the 110 million forcibly displaced people on our planet do not have access to modern, reliable, and sustainable energy systems and services. Currently, access energy across the humanitarian system relies on diesel powered generators – yet, this is not sufficient. People are forced to take matters into their own hands relying on polluting, often unsustainably sourced, and unhealthy fuels for their heating, lighting, and cooking needs. Despite the cost of renewable energy technologies falling, the uptake of these “cleaner” solutions has been low across the humanitarian system, especially when considering clean cooking technologies at the institutional scale. This seminar will explore the state of the humanitarian energy sector, the role of clean cooking, and how the institutional scale may unlock more efficient and effective pathways to the completion of UN SDG7 – sustainable energy for all.

Arrivals from 11:45 am for a 12:00 noon start. For those joining in-person, lunch will be served after the seminar from 1:00pm.

This event is hybrid format, please use the required booking button at the bottom of the page to choose either in-person or online attendance.
(Please note that in-person spaces are limited and booking is required, so we can manage numbers for catering and also the space inside International House)

By booking a place at this event, attendees agree to behave in a respectful manner such that everyone feels comfortable contributing as they wish. The IAS reserves the right to eject anyone who does not abide by this policy.

IAS seminars are typically recorded, minus any Q&A sessions at the end, again to encourage contributions. The recordings are then uploaded to our website on a Fellows bio page and/or Programme page, along with our . If you are not able to attend a seminar live, please do still register as we will email everyone who registered to let them know once the recordings are made available.

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