The X-Rotor offshore wind turbine concept development

  • Project code: SU-EnerHy 2024-3
  • Subject areas:  Engineering, Science, Business / Markets
  • Location: Strathclyde University 
  • Supervisors: with further supervisors to be added depending on route taken. 

Project summary

The X-Rotor is a radical offshore wind turbine concept that has potential to reduce the levelised cost of energy from offshore wind by 20-30%. The concept combines a vertical axis primary rotor with horizontal axis secondary rotors to reduce both capital cost and maintenance costs [1, 2] of offshore wind energy. Development of the concept has been funded by the EU H2020 programme, EPSRC, the Royal Academy of Engineering and industrial partners. Other potential benefits of the X-Rotor concept include greater potential for high density wind farms, floating wind and wind energy at low wind speed sites.

The EU H2020 will take the two bladed X-Rotor concept to TRL 3. Further sub TRL3 work is required to develop a three bladed version of the concept to exploit the X-Rotor’s potential benefits relating to floating wind and low wind speed sites. Additionally design work is required on a 10:1 scaled prototype of the concept to go beyond TRL 3.

For both the 3 bladed version of the X-Rotor and the 10:1 scaled prototype concept development is required in the following areas: Electrical design, Aerodynamics, Structural design, Controls and Maintenance/LCOE modelling.

If you are interested in the developing of the X-Rotor concept in any of the previously mentioned areas we welcome your application. If you are a suitable candidate, exact areas of interest can be discussed during your interview.




Important information

This studentship is open to applicants with a first-class or upper second-class degree (or equivalent) in Geotechnical, Structural or Civil engineering, Physics or any Engineering discipline may also be considered. Keep a note of the project code once you have applied

Project code: SU-EnerHy 2024-3


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