Production of hydrogen and sustainable fuels in solid oxide electrolysis cell

  • Project code: CU-EnerHy 2024-4
  • Subject areas: Engineering
  • Location: Cranfield University 
  • Supervisors: Primary supervisor: , Secondary supervisor:

Project summary

In collaboration with , this project aims to develop effective and robust electrocatalysts for electrolysis of H2O and H2O/CO2 in high temperature solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) for production of hydrogen and synthetic sustainable fuels.  

High temperature SOECs has emerged as a promising technology for hydrogen production, renewable energy storage and CO2 mitigation. In addition, co-electrolysis of CO2 with H2O in SOECs produces synthetic gas, hydrogen and carbon monoxide, a precursor for the synthesis of sustainable fuels. However, the main issue associated with high temperature SOEC is the large overpotential required to achieve effective electrochemical reaction rate.  

To tackle this problem, this project aims to develop efficient and cost-effective electrocatalysts towards a superior reaction kinetics on the electrodes of SOEC during electrolysis of H2O and H2O/CO2. Combining experimental and theoretical approaches, the scientific understanding of the relations between electrode structures and performance will be established and underlying factors governing the electrode reactions will be obtained.

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Project code: CU-EnerHy 2024-4
