
GaWC Research Network: Martijn Burger

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Martijn Burger

GaWC Associate Director (Multinational Strategy and City Networks)

Martijn Burger's main research interests are in the field of economic geography and urban and regional economics, with a specific focus on city networks and regional economic development. Topics he addresses in his research include the location decisions of multinational corporations, the geography of trade, the commuting and shopping behaviour of households, spatial inequalities in health and income, and urban and regional development. Within the context of world city networks, Martijn is currently working on two themes: (i) analysing the relationship between a city's network position and a city's performance in terms of economic, social and environment sustainability and (ii) linking multinational strategy to city network formation using a micro-to-macro framework and paying explicit attention to firm heterogeneity. Martijn's research can be characterized as broad in scope and as inherently interdisciplinary. He often combines insights and methods from economics, geography, sociology, and business to explain the spatial behaviour of firms and households and the spatial structure of city networks.

Besides publications in academic-oriented journals, Martijn disseminated his research findings through the practitioner's press, and research reports for local, regional and national governments. Over the past years, he worked with the World Bank, Netherlands Environment Assessment Agency, Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, and several provinces and municipalities in the Netherlands.

is Assistant Professor of Industrial and Regional Economics at the Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Martijn's research has been published in several internationally refereed journals including Cities, Environment and Planning A, European Planning Studies, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Economic Surveys, Regional Studies, and Urban Studies.