Happy and healthy at home

Supporting your mental health and wellbeing

Looking after your mental health and wellbeing is important.

Below we highlight the services that are available for you to access, as well as several resources that will also support your mental wellbeing. 

If you’re looking for support, take a look at the Staff wellbeing Mind web pages. Here you’ll find contacts and further information on a range of different services including:

  •  content shared by staff and students.
  • Staff network groups – You can join for additional comfort and support.
  • The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) – A free confidential support service, available 24 hours a day, that can provide support with any matter that is of concern to you, including mental health and wellbeing, legal, relationship and money matters.
  • - An online resource created by rethinkyourmind that has various tools and techniques to help you combat stress in written and audio format. In addition, the e-book features poems, songs, readings and artwork to help with your mental wellbeing.
  • University Chaplaincy – available for all 24/7. Telephone: 01509 223743 or email: cfschaplains@lboro.ac.uk

Additional resources and ideas

Our University community has so much to offer that you never have to feel alone in dealing with our current circumstances.

Below we will continually be adding links to groups and resources that may be of help and support to you. Whether you’re looking for something to take your mind off things or additional forms of support, we hope this resource will give you ideas and connections to take care of your wellbeing.

NHS Every Mind Matters

This site provides advice on maintaining your mental wellbeing while staying at home, tips for coping with anxiety associated to the current situation and understanding mental health. It also provides contact details for accessing support.

LU Arts online Book Club

This group has moved its activity online so that staff and students can still be involved. This friendly and good-natured group is open to all to attend.

Find out more

Training and development opportunities

Now could be a good time to think about your own development and how you might boost that with some training. All staff at the University have access to LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com), an online learning platform that can help you acquire software, technology, business and creative skills to achieve learning, personal and professional goals.

You can either browse through to find sessions that suit your specific needs or take a look at our recommended resources by topic.

There are also a number of essential training sessions that staff must complete. Why not take a look and see if you’re up to date?

Organisational Development