Sexual violence

Sexual violence is any unwanted sexual act or activity. This includes, but is not limited to, rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual exploitation.

Sexual violence can be perpetrated by a stranger or by someone you know (even somebody you are in a relationship with). Sexual violence can happen to anyone. No-one ever deserves or asks for it to happen.

All genders can be victims of sexual violence.

If a student tells you that they are being subject to sexual violence or have previously been subject these should always be reported through the online reporting tool.


What can you do to support them?


If you consider the student to be in immediate danger, call emergency services on 999 and then call Security (888 internal / 222141) if you are on campus.

Non emergency

If the student is not in immediate danger, find somewhere quiet and safe. Allow the student time to talk.

Your role

Listen and be supportive
Discuss options
Make notes of the account


Listen to their concerns

• Listen to the student, reassure that they are not alone and support is available
• Encourage to express feelings and allow the student to make their own decisions about what happens next.

Discuss the student's options

Its extremely important the student is given options available to them.

Student wants to report to the police
Student does not wish to disclose to the police now but wants to preserve forensic evidence for possible use in the future.
Student wants to make a complaint to the University.
Student does not wish to take any action.

If the student is unsure and wants to talk this through with a DAI adviser, complete the online reporting form on the student’s behalf.

Support their decision.

Support / Report online

Explain that it is the university's policy to report all sexual violence through the online incident reporting portal (OIRP). The student may choose to complete the OIRP with you or you can offer to complete on their behalf. Ask the student if they wish to remain anonymous, or if they want support from Student Services.

The OIRP will form a documented account, it is good practice to follow up in writing to the student with their reporting options and support available there are several proformas below.

Related documents

Email Proformas