Honour based violence

If a student tells you that they are being subject to or are at risk of Honour based crime, this includes a range of acts of violence, which may include forced marriage, domestic violence, threats to kill, coercive control and being socially isolated.

Think, what can you do to support them?

Acknowledge how difficult the situation is whilst validating the student’s emotion.

Step back from your own bias or judgements and think about what the student needs from the interaction.

You could work through some strategies with the student. Which could include;

  • Encourage them to talk to someone National helpline 0800 5999 247
  • Are they in immediate danger or risk of forced marriage or violence? Contact Leicestershire Police on 101 to discuss options including Karma Nirvana or a refuge placement.
  • Talk about a spoon – hiding a spoon in an item of clothing if risk of being removed from the country against their wishes.
  • A ‘plan B’ – if the student decides to return to their home allow them to work through a safety plan of who would support them off campus.

Show support and avoid blaming them or being judgemental.


Listen to the student, reassure that they are not alone.

Allow the student to express their feelings and make their own decisions.

Signpost / support

There are a range of support options available, local services like UAVA can offer a range of support including counselling, or national organisations such as Karma Nirvana and Women’s Aid can provide assessment and support.

Student services DAI adviser can support with safety, mitigating circumstances alongside emotional and practical support, access by reporting online. 

Report online

Report to the University via the online tool.

It is good practice to inform the student that you are reporting concerns, unless it is unsafe to do so.

Related information

Other services

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