Block 4: Differentiation

Calculus is used extensively in many contexts in your university course, so a familiarity with the basics will be very useful to you when it is taught in your lectures. Block 4 covers the principle of differentiation, standard derivatives and the Product, Quotient and Chain Rules.

Being able to use these rules with confidence will be very beneficial to you in your University course. Can you do the questions without having to look anything up?


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If you could confidently solve all the questions, you are ready for the topics in the next block
If you had some issues with the questions, use the HELM workbooks below to revise the topics

HELM workbooks

You might like to do some extra practice. Use the HELM workbooks and interactive questions below to do as much practice as you like. Use your lboro login details and enrol with key 'HELM2020' to access the interactive questions.

HELM workbook 11 - Differentiation - including sections:

  • 11.1 Introduction to differentiation:
  • 11.2 Using a table of derivatives:
  • 11.3 Higher derivatives:
  • 11.4 Products & Quotients:
  • 11.5 Chain Rule:

Additional resources

Engineering First Aid Kit Leaflets