Wednesday 10 April 2024: Professor Steve Christie's Inaugural Lecture

inaugural lecture series

Join us on Wednesday 10 April for Professor Steve Christie's Inaugural Lecture titled "Drugs, pollution and (avoiding) explosions: combining chemistry and technology to solve problems."

inaugural lecture series

Steve Christie, Professor of Chemical Technologies in the Department of Chemistry, will give an insight into the art of synthetic chemistry when he presents the next in the series of Inaugural Lectures.

On Wednesday 10 April Professor Christie will present his lecture titled "Drugs, pollution and (avoiding) explosions: combining chemistry and technology to solve problems."

The art of synthetic organic chemistry – how we make a whole host of useful chemicals – is almost 300 years old. As a science, it has constantly evolved, but its progress has accelerated rapidly during the past 25 years.

In his lecture, Professor Christie will illustrate some of these changes and how he has used them in his own research. He will show how the preparation of small molecules can now be achieved rapidly by machines, as well as how chemistry can influence biological systems.

Chemistry is also addressing numerous modern environmental concerns. Professor Christie will show how his industry collaborations are helping to solve the challenge of plastic pollution, and how his partnership with engineers – to develop 3D-printed concrete that absorbs carbon dioxide – is advancing net zero goals.

The lecture will begin at 5pm and in EHB110b, , with registration from 4.30pm. For more information about the venue, including photographs, 

Professor Christie will be available for questions and further discussion at a drinks reception after the lecture.

As part of the lecture series on April 10, Professor Eileen Yu from the Department of Chemical Engineering will also be presenting a lecture on "How will microbes and electrons help us to achieve a circular economy?" Find out more about this topic.

To attend the Prof Christie's and Prof Yu's lectures, registration will be required. Find out more about the Inaugural Lectures series.