SIMR 2024 Submissions

Call for abstracts

Prospective authors are invited to attend this conference and submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations around the overarching conference theme ‘Towards A Sustainable Future: Developing Climate and Disaster Resilience in the New Digital Era’. We welcome interdisciplinary research that integrates a wide range of subjects including natural science, engineering and social science to address multi-hazard risk. The sub-themes are:

  • Understanding and characterisation of disaster risk
  • Hazard monitoring & modelling
  • Disaster risk management & resilience

The main text of the abstract should be less than 300 words. Additionally, the abstract should include the full names, affiliations, and emails of all authors. The presenting author should be indicated and will serve as the primary contact for all following correspondence.

. The deadline for abstract submissions is 31 May 2024. All abstracts will be reviewed by the conference scientific committee, and authors will be notified of the acceptance of their abstracts for oral or poster presentation by June 15, 2024. Selected abstracts may be invited to submit a full paper for publication in an SCI-indexed journal after further peer review.

Call for Special Sessions

The organising committee would like to invite special session proposals on topics related to disaster risk reduction and resilience. Special sessions will be directly organised by the convener(s), who will propose topics, invite speakers, and manage abstracts. Each special session will consist of at least 5 to 6 oral presentations. To propose a special session, please include the following information in your session proposal:

  • Name(s) and institutional affiliation(s) of the convener(s)
  • Email address of the session convener(s)
  • Title of the session
  • Short description of the session
  • List of potential participants

Please submit your session proposal to with the subject line 'Special Session Proposal' by May 20, 2024.