
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering


Dr Yuanjian Zhang BEng, MSc, PhD

Photo of Dr Yuanjian Zhang

Lecturer in Intelligent Electric Vehicles

Dr Yuanjian Zhang is a Lecturer in the Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering at 台湾六合彩开奖记录.  He was awarded his PhD in Automotive Engineering from the Jilin University, China in 2018, and joined the research staff in the Centre for Automotive Engineering at University of Surrey in 2018. He moved to Sir William Wright Technology Centre at Queen’s University Belfast in early 2019. On December 2021, he started his work at 台湾六合彩开奖记录 as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Intelligent Electric Vehicles.

His research interests focus on new generation clean propulsion control and optimisation, digital modelling and simulation, intelligent transportation system and artificial intelligence (AI) in engineering practice.


  • PhD in Electric Vehicles
  • Member of IEEE

Recent publications:

  1. Zhang, Y., Chen, Z., Li, G., Liu, Y., Huang, Y., Cunningham, G., & Early, J. (2021). Integrated Velocity Prediction Method and Application in Vehicle-Environment Cooperative Control Based on Internet of Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  2. Zhang, Y., Chen, Z., Li, G., Liu, Y., Chen, H., Cunningham, G., & Early, J. (2021). Machine Leaning Based Vehicle Model Construction and Validation-Towards Optimal Control Strategy Development for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification.
  3. Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Huang, Y., Chen, Z., Li, G., Hao, W., ... & Early, J. (2021). An optimal control strategy design for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles based on internet of vehicles. Energy228, 120631.
  4. Zhang, Y., Huang, Y., Chen, H., Na, X., Chen, Z., & Liu, Y. (2021). Driving behavior oriented torque demand regulation for electric vehicles with single pedal driving. Energy228, 120568.
  5. Zhang, Y., Wei, C., Liu, Y., Chen, Z., Hou, Z., & Xu, N. (2021). A novel optimal power management strategy for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle with improved adaptability to traffic conditions. Journal of Power Sources489, 229512.

Selected publications:

  1. Zhang, Y., Chen, Z., Li, G., Liu, Y., Huang, Y., Cunningham, G., & Early, J. (2021). Integrated Velocity Prediction Method and Application in Vehicle-Environment Cooperative Control Based on Internet of Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  2. Zhang, Y., Chu, L., Ou, Y., Guo, C., Liu, Y., & Tang, X. (2019). A cyber-physical system-based velocity-profile prediction method and case study of application in plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. IEEE transactions on cybernetics, 51(1), 40-51.
  3. Zhang, Y., Chu, L., Fu, Z., Xu, N., Guo, C., Zhang, X., ... & Wang, P. (2017). Optimal energy management strategy for parallel plug-in hybrid electric vehicle based on driving behavior analysis and real time traffic information prediction. Mechatronics, 46, 177-192.
  4. Zhang, Y., Huang, Y., Chen, H., Na, X., Chen, Z., & Liu, Y. (2021). Driving behavior oriented torque demand regulation for electric vehicles with single pedal driving. Energy228, 120568.
  5. Zhang, Y., Chu, L., Fu, Z., Xu, N., Guo, C., Zhao, D., ... & Xu, L. (2020). Energy management strategy for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle integrated with vehicle-environment cooperation control. Energy, 197, 117192.


  • Wrightbus, Northern Ireland
  • FAW
  • SAIC

Academic Institutes:

  • Queen’s University Belfast, UK
  • University of Leeds, UK
  • University of Cambridge, UK
  • University of Glasgow, UK
  • Queen Mary University of London, UK
  • University of Surrey, UK
  • University of Waterloo, UK
  • Tongji University, China

External roles and appointments:

  • Regular reviewer for academic journals, e.g., IEEE TCST, IEEE TVT, IEEE TIE, Applied Energy, etc.
  • Guest editor for academic journals, e.g., Special Issue on ‘Recent Advances in Commercial Vehicles in Terms of Energy Efficiency’ at SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles; ‘Artificial Intelligence Applied in Smart Electric Vehicles: Towards Eco-Driving for Improved Energy Economy’ at Electronics; ‘Advanced Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Communication and Application in Vehicle-Environment Cooperative Control’ at Sensors, etc.
  • Invited session Co-chair for international conference, e.g., the 5th International Conference on Vehicular Control and Intelligence (CVCI) 2021