University Honours Committee

Terms of Reference



  1. On behalf of Senate and Council, to consider and approve the arrangements for the establishment of a portfolio of University awards to recognise individuals and groups (students, alumni, staff and other members of the community) for their outstanding achievements and accomplishments in line with the University strategy.
  2. To be responsible for recognising and rewarding staff for awards as part of the University’s overall reward and recognition arrangements.
  3. To set the criteria for each type of recognition and to make recommendations for awards to individuals based on those criteria.
  4. To periodically review the awards and ensure they are fit for purpose.
  5. To oversee arrangements for the rescission of awards, referring to Senate & Council where appropriate.
  6. To coordinate and monitor the progress of nominations for external prizes, National Honours, national academies, Vice- Chancellor Awards and similar awards.
  7. To encourage suitably ambitious applications for Honorary Degrees and nominations for University Medals and to make recommendations to Senate and Council, ensuring Honorary Degree recipients are appropriately engaged with over a 3-year period.

Decision making and other duties

  1. To recommend the award of University Medals and Honorary Degrees to Senate & Council.
  2. To consider and appoint University Ambassadors.
  3. To approve other University-level award nominees, such as Hall of Fame and School Distinguished Alumni Awards

Standard duties

  1. To report to Council and Senate after each meeting.
  2. To review annually its Terms of Reference.
  3. To review annually its effectiveness.
  4. To refer business to other Committees as it sees fit.