Alumna creates company to support small businesses and e-commerce brands

connie amode

Earlier this year Connie Amode set up Magnet AMS, a business supporting small companies to increase their impact in online marketplaces.

Magnet AMS manage new and established online sellers to help them grow their sales and increase their profitability, using systems and tools designed to drive product discovery online and deliver recurring sales.

The pandemic has meant that many businesses have had to rely on online sales and for many online sellers this has been a significant opportunity to access and scale another revenue stream and sales channel.

Connie said:

We assist product inventors, product owners and wholesalers by providing a pathway to reach consumers who are looking for their products on online marketplaces like Amazon, Walmart, and eBay.

We do this via product launch advisory, growth strategies, campaign management and advertising.

Magnet AMS have helped several businesses so far increase both profit and unit sales.

Connie graduated with a master’s in International Financial and Political Relations in 2014.

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This feature forms part of the University's Black History Month celebrations.