Innovating in the world of team-building

Several people in a room looking at items on tables. The room is lit red.

Alumnus Jamie Pollard-Jones and his colleagues at DecodeXP are setting a new standard in the world of team building.

The team have brought together a unique combination of expertise from academia, the military and experiential facilitation to develop a new concept in team building – High-Intensity Team Transformation.

Inspired by the problems facing organisations post-COVID the market-leading format focuses on development through experience, using 360° problem solving, as well as behavioural mapping tools to achieve tangible change.

Throughout the process valuable data on team performance is gathered and teams build on their communication strategies and feedback mechanisms, also using VR technology to help hone their skills. Feedback is delivered throughout and in various formats, from Hot Debriefs to formal After-Action Reviews which use audio-visual content capture to increase accountability.

The methods employed are all designed to help organisations and individuals develop understanding of strengths and weaknesses, build increased team resilience, support increased productivity and develop individual understanding of performance within teams.

Throughout the process facilitators use industry relevant examples and focus on how teams can develop new working habits.

Jamie comments: ‘At DecodeXP we wanted training to feel different. We set out to create a programme that is lived rather than taught.  It places innovation at its core and is relentlessly experiential’

Graduating in 2014 with a degree in Politics with business, Jamie went on to serve in the Army for nearly six years before he turned entrepreneur and established Decode XP.

Jamie is also the Creative Lead for Challenger Escapes, working with them to create unique brand experiences for companies as diverse as Aviation Gin and Dyson.
